Ho Chi Minh City to strengthen the construction of new countryside
Category: News
Author: Pauline Carter
Time :12-13

Vietnam , " Economic Times" reported on October 25 , Ho Chi Minh City Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Ruanfu Zhong , deputy director , said the city's initial success the new rural construction , agricultural economy is moving towards high-tech agricultural development , increasing aquaculture, services the proportion of the industry.

Ho Chi Minh City 's new rural construction , agriculture, forestry, fisheries, development of modern high quality and efficient way to shift from the traditional way , farming and aquaculture products of high economic value to select breeding species , such as orchids , cows, ornamental fish. Economic benefit per hectare of 15,800 from 2010 to 2012 Shield Shield of 23,900 . Per capita monthly income of 1.9 million from 2010 to 2012 Shield Shield of 2,727,000 , an increase of 41.2% , reaching 80% of the urban per capita monthly income , and gradually narrow the gap between urban and rural areas .

According to plan, in 2013 the city continue to support the development of 50 new rural towns , villages and towns trying to make all construction completed at least 10 indicators ; 2014 to promote the 30 townships have completed at least 19 construction indicators ; 2015 to promote the 56 townships have completed at least 19 construction index . 2016-2020 intends to continue to promote the construction of the proposed indicators . To achieve the above construction targets, the government will invest in infrastructure , chemical services in rural areas , promote rural mechanization processes , development of agricultural industrial chain to ensure food hygiene and safety .

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